Thursday, July 25, 2013


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By the Holy Spirit through Mary Lindow

“How blessed is the man who has made the Lord his trust,
And has not turned to the proud for worldly advice,
Nor to those who lapse into tale bearing.”
Psalms 40:4

"My children. It is always amazing how people run to the power and strengths of man and to the voices of false hope. As if from these things they advise or promise might gain a place of security!

You can only be fully secure when you first come to ME!
I never break my promises to you! NEVER!
I use every opportunity in your life to train you to be an honest and humble guide to lead others to my way of success.

If you hear a man or woman boasting about too many great things that they have done, you will eventually find out that they are masters of manipulation and "embellished" liars.

It's all to make themselves look more powerful in your eyes.
I do not deeply fellowship with this type of person.

“If what a prophet proclaims in the name of the LORD does not take place or come true, that is a message the LORD has not spoken. 
That prophet has spoken presumptuously.
Do not be afraid of them.”
Deuteronomy 18:22

"I only share My keys and treasures of victory and success with those who do not peddle pride and do not posture for an audience. False humility is obvious to Me even when others cannot discern it. Trusting Me means to really believe that I AM all you need to have a vision and a future.

Trust. Trust. Trust!
Trust ME!"

Be Quick To Listen,
Be Slow To Speak,
Be Slow to get Angry.
~James 1:19

"The real proof of your personal transformation in Me is in evidence when you can practice this truthful insight without having to think about it too much!

In order to sincerely be a voice for Me -  one who cries out into the wilderness of other people's lives, you must be able to hear My voice clearly!  Speaking only what I tell you to speak, and to not REACT with anger when you have those who oppose My Voice, challenge you!

If you are suspicious of others motives and have secretly hidden the things of insecurity or entitlement in your own heart, you will be looking for a way to cast suspicion on others if you are the guilty or presumptuous party of some wrongdoing. This opens a door to a hardness of heart, which allows the pride of life and love for position to blind you from a life of brokenness, and personal, private integrity.

Clean living creates a pure and clear conscience.

"Keep me also from the sins I want to commit.
May they not be my master.
Then I will be without blame.
I will not be guilty of any great sin against your word."
Psalm 19:13

“I remained silent, like a lamb ready for slaughter!
When My time to speak came, it changed eternity!

It is finished! Father!
Into Your hands I willingly turn over everything!
My body, My soul, My spirit!

Can you also turn all you hold dear in this life over to the Father?
You will never be the same again!
And you also will mark out a statement in eternity!"

The Lord's promises are pure....
Psalm 12:6a

"I have no ulterior reasons to make a promise that has a hidden agenda!
I am the spotless Lamb of God! All that I have ever promised to you and to
those who love Me has always been with only good and blessing in mind!

Purity has it's own deep well of uniqueness to draw from.
It looks for fairness for all.
It only operates with absolute truthfulness.
Purity is a value that never wears thin.

When you minister or care for others, do all of it from only a pure motive to help, bless and restore.

Impurity always shows up with self-preservation, intimidation and a pompous sense of personal power and personal vision.

"We put no stumbling block in anyone's path, so that our ministry will not be discredited. Rather, as servants of God we commend ourselves in every way: in great endurance; in troubles, hardships and distresses; in beatings, imprisonments and riots; in hard work, sleepless nights and hunger; in purity, understanding, patience and kindness; in the Holy Spirit and in sincere love;
2 Corinthians 6:3-6


It is only a refined vessel that can walk in the power of this attribute!"

“Many will be purified, made spotless and refined, 
but the wicked will continue to be wicked. 

None of the wicked will understand, 
but those who are wise will understand.”
Daniel 12:10

Duplication and sharing of this writing is welcomed as long as complete message and website information for Mary Lindow is included. 

Thank You! 
Copyright 2013 " THE MESSENGER " ~ Mary Lindow

Thursday, July 11, 2013

" Who Really Cares About Friends Who Are Suffering? ”


By Mary Lindow
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Knowing this, however, doesn't make it any easier to cope when you find yourself in the midst of the deepest, darkest trials of faith, and mentally anguish and strain.
Don't you wish Christianity could make you exempt from suffering? That would be great, but as most of us have learned, following our faith doesn't give us a free ride. We catch as much trouble as unbelievers—often more.
The difference, of course, is that we can turn to Jesus when things gowrong. Unbelievers might argue that we're only turning to our imagination, but we know better.
At some time in your life, however, suffering will hit you so hard that you won’t be able to do any of those things, and that dark time will probably visit you more than once.
“Even in darkness, light dawns for the upright,
for the gracious and compassionate and righteous man.”
Psalm 112:4

Maybe it's a person you're sure would make a perfect spouse, and the relationship crumbles apart. Maybe it's a better job or promotion, and you don't make the cut.
Or it might be a goal you poured your time and energy into, and it doesn't come to pass or others sabotage it all.
All of us have prayed for the recovery of loved ones who were ill, but they died anyway.
It takes real spiritual maturity to stay faithful when things go wrong, but severing our relationship with God punishes us, not him.
It's self-destructive behavior that can put us on the path to a miserablelife. The parable of the Prodigal Son (Luke15:11-32) teaches us that God always wants us to come back to him.
Whether your problem is discouragement, illness or aging, sometimes allyou have left is Jesus. When you're angry and bitter, you can still cling to Jesus in the midst of your tears.
You can grab onto him and refuse to let go until he brings you through it. You'll find, to your surprise that he holds on to you even tighter than you hold on to him.

He knows about being hurt. He remembers the terrible moment on the cross when his Father was forced to abandon him, because he was filthyfrom taking on our sins. Jesus won't let you go.’
And as you age and start down the path from this life to the next, Jesus will take your hand to guide you. He appreciates all that you have done for him through the years, but what he has always wanted most is your love.
So there you are in the middle of one of life's train-wrecks-dazed, wounded, wondering what shoe-or bomb-will be dropping next, and up walks Job's comforters.
We all remember Job from the Bible. A rich, powerful man, a great father and good in every way was Job. Then, in a series of overlapping upheavals, he lost everything and everybody except his wife-who turned out to be a whole lot less than sympathetic in her changed status.
Battered Job ends up sitting alone on a pile of dirt, scratching his boil-covered body with some broken pottery.

Life drags us through some tough times of loss that make us feel every bit like Job. Caught in a vortex of pain, and wondering if we'll ever make it to safety. And, boy, do we recognize Job's so-called friends who showed up to by all accounts offer support and comfort. As they sat with Job in his misery, they took turns playing a self-centered, self-righteous, can-you-top-this game of knowing for certain that every bit of Job ‘s disaster had to be his own fault or a lack of trust in God.
They weren't sure how or why because Job seemed so decent, but deep down, they insisted, he just couldn't be all he pretended to be.

You get fired, and friends smirk knowingly when you try to explain the political nature of the event. Your child gets into difficulty-well; you know the kind of comfort you'll get from friends about that. (It probably started sometime during potty training.)
Yet others try to “help” you with what I call “prayer lecturing.” While praying “for and with you” they let you (and God) know just how lucky you should be to even have running water, had a meal that day and more! Not really comforting in any way, and very very short on compassion.
Yet, from the story, it's clear that Job was completely innocent. Dreadful things do happen to completely innocent people, good people.
Because of their opinion of Job's guilt, history has bestowed his friends-(and their current replicas) - the label, "Job's comforters." So-called friends who add to a suffering person's anguish by piling on false charges of blame and guilt and harsh reprimand for daring to show sadness or agony.
You may never have met anybody like Job, but you've met his comforters on more than one occasion. They seem to be everywhere.

Job had everything a person could dream of wanting-and then some- so jealousy was never more than a stone's throw away. The green-eyed monster is a little more subtle with people living everyday typical lives, but jealousy doesn't need much ground to take root and grow with vigor.

If bad things happen to people who don't deserve them, they could happen to anybody, including me. If I don't want bad things to happen to me, (who does?), I have to persuade myself and everybody around me that the victim's actions caused the problem. If blame can be assigned, then I'll be safe as long as I'm good.
In other words, if I can claim that the cause of your problem is something you do that I don't do, then what happened to you can't happen to me. There is, of course, no logic to this, but it brings some shaky comfort to frightened hearts.
We see this thinking at work when people stare numbly at adversity and ask, "What did I do to deserve this?" Sometimes the answer is, "nothing."

And it doesn’t have to be bad; you could be excited from something wonderful.
Most often then not I ask myself this after something I am looking forward to goes wrong.
Even at times when something goes wrong I lay awake at night and my thoughts wonder to what previously occurred. I am sure everyone does it at times, wishing for another try or chance.
You may lay awake thinking about your suffering, part of life’s suffering is misery’s shadow persisting/hanging on; not only do you suffer but you have to think about suffering.
I can’t prove this with statistics or find it any book I know of, yet I would say that more people either come to the faith or fall away because of this reason above all; the disturbance of suffering.

If you allow yourself to recount your sufferings, did you not learn more about faith while suffering then any other time? It has been said that; “Blessings are God’s whispers, he speaks in our conscience,but shouts to us in our suffering.”

“O my Comforter in sorrow,
My heart is faint within me.”
Jeremiah 8:18

Suffering becomes the only way to realize our hollow spiritual self. Pain is unmasked, and every person knows when something is not right when they are hurting. Pain insists upon being attended to.
So when you travel down this line of thought you come to the idea, why do I or someone else suffer when others don’t?

That is why it is called pain and suffering. If there were an escape a person of great wisdom and insight would have done it already. Yet Discipleship demands such trials to compel us towards renewal.
Read Hebrews 2:10
God, for whom and through whom everything was made, chose to bring many children into glory. And it was only right that he should make Jesus, through his suffering, a perfect leader, fit to bring them into their salvation.”
The real question is what to do when life has just punched us a goodone, and Job's comforters show up at our door. Nobody says we have to let them in.
And certainly nobody says we have to entertain them. And, most positively, nobody says we have to believe them.

“For just as the sufferings of Christ flow over into our lives, So also through Christ our comfort overflows.” - 2 Corinthians 1:5

We can sort out the who's-to-blame-for-what after we get some solid ground under our feet and a little energy back into our lives.
But we still won't want Job's comforters anywhere around us…
… We will want people who care.

“Compassion “
To me not to be kind
Is evil of the mind.
No need to pray or preach,
Let us our children teach
With every fond caress
Pity and gentleness:
So in the end may we
God's Kingdom cause to be.
By R.W. Service
Duplication and sharing of this message is welcomed as long as
the complete message and website information for 
Mary Lindow is included.

Thank You
Copyright " 2013" THE MESSENGER ” ~ Mary Lindow