By The Holy Spirit through Mary Lindow
I would warmly encourage you to listen to the podcast version of this prophetic insight/word and read the written form along with it in order to "hear"the heart and spirit as to how it is intended to be delivered.
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To listen to this message as a free podcast, please scroll down to the bottom of this message or go to the column on your right to use the fast loading audio player.
There are a great number of Divine and strategic drawing boards and a re-designing going on in the lives of those called to move into the roles of Kingdom modeling of the Father's heart, the Savior's passion and the Holy Spirit‚s purest functions in the Body.
"See, today I appoint you over nations and kingdoms.
To uproot and tear down, to destroy and overthrow.
To build and to plant."
- Jeremiah 1:10
Old walls first come down before new ones can be put up!
Old walls of keeping people out of "your space" - "your ministry" - "your home".
The true boundaries of the Kingdom have room for everyone to freely express, (with respect for others), the passion they have for the "design" the Lord has given to them, for building up the King's domain!
And it will be said:
"Build up, build up, prepare the road!
Remove the obstacles out of the way of my people."
- Isaiah 57:14
The Lord is speaking to us in this era of "rebuilding" His house of worship - that as we put first becoming those temples and hearts of men surrendered to him as yielded vessels, there will be rooms re-designed by the "Master‚s craftsman" that will be filled with strategically planned prayer initiatives, music rooms equipped with "clear spiritual headsets" to hear the songs of the kingdom and actually record and share them freely, and a series of "family rooms" where all ethnic groups become "one family" as they fix their eyes on upon the "fireplace" of the presence of the Holy Spirit and His Pentecost type of power and might!
"I also told them about the gracious hand of my God upon me,
and what the King had said to me.
They replied, "let us start rebuilding."
So they began this good work.
~ Nehemiah 2:18
"Yes says the Lord! I Am restructuring everything in your lives that I have allowed to be taken and shaken from you! How can you be My fresh expression in the earth with the old worn out living quarters of the past?
Those who continue to cling to the accolades of the past and bygone ministry meetings and services (even if they were just last week) will receive a limited amount of new
assignments until they realize that the past is... PAST!
Each day is a new day and needs a fresh approach to the fresh design model
that I AM revealing!"
"The day for building your walls will come,
The day for extending your boundaries."
Micah 7:11
The unseen prophetic and travailing groups of individuals who are being shaped into the fabric of God's own weaving, are currently being made ready for a swift and dynamic change of pace.
What was once long and hard will become shortened and filled with rest. Release
of God's grace and abundant mercy is coming into fulfillment as you end your course of instructions for this season.
"My friends don‚t be surprised at the painful things that you are now suffering, which are testing your faith. Don‚t think that something strange is happening to you. But you should be happy that you are sharing in Christ‚s sufferings.
You will be happy and full of joy when Christ shows his glory."
1 PETER 4:12-13
Bigheartedness will be a part of the evidence of a fresh wave of Kingdom glory in the earth. Missionaries or "sent ones" will not grieve over broken promises made to them for aid to go! No! Those now surfacing in the earth as the fresh wave of pure and "Joseph-type" of compassionate-hearted, nurturing investors (KEY WORD: Nurturing), will be suddenly established, as well as the faithful and obedient souls who have never merchandised the anointing or promoted their gifting nor have shamed others while they too were flowing in obedience themselves.
"I pray also that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened.
In order that you may know the hope to which he has called you.
The riches of his glorious inheritance in the saints."
Ephesians 1:18
The financial institutions will be dumbfounded as supernatural windfalls hit the Body of Christ while worldly concepts and scheming only further muddy the waters of global finance.
Joseph gifts in the body, men and women, who are beginning to see with eyes now stripped of the fear of be taken advantage of, will be visited with great joy and supernatural revelation as they see that they are called by Heaven as "The Servants of Blessing." They will operate in a restored life of purity in motive, in worship, and in honoring one another in Christ. Simply honoring each other without keeping lists of how much has been given or shared!
"All the believers were one in heart and mind.
No one claimed that any of his possessions was his own,
But they shared everything they had."
Act 4:32
There will be shouts and tears of joy as heaven moves upon the hearts of wise, kingdom minded saints, who have been given grave responsibility over heavenly blessed currency. These sober truth-seeking saints, will hear the voice of the Lord and will not be moved by flashy pleas for glamorous support and promises of free gifts in return! No! They will be led by the counsel of the Holy Spirit to be vessels that release a steady flow into the hands of those ready to only build with the name "Jesus" on the final product.
I am impressed by the Lord as I write that there are even those who have a "Joseph Troupe" type of calling that will actually store up investments and actually be teamed up by the Lord with missionaries, food banks, and other sent ones. The Joseph gifting will bless the harvest call on many seasoned and faithful servants of God who have been in places of preparation for further ministry to the Body of Christ globally.
There will be specific "people appointments" from the Father in heaven and through His Holy Spirit, He will bear witness in the hearts of those called like Joseph, to assist their Godly assigned brothers or sisters in Christ in the touching and training of believers in many nations. Discipleship will once again become a key component with those who have the apostolic heart to mentor and direct others into the field of harvest.
These wise ones have known the false and greedy appeals for more coffers of religion to be filled and are no longer swayed nor fleeced by them. They will become hands of blessing, hearts of kindness, and I am again impressed by the Spirit of God, that they will also be compassionate advisors to those who have poured out all they have upon the spiritually hungry without taking much for their own care and rest. They will also be given great discernment regarding whom they are not to pour into in the next season of Kingdom work.
A Godly voice of wisdom will be heard from the Joseph-hearted saints and they will prepare fiscally, medically, and recreationally well-designed plans for those needing such tender care. It will be as if the Father himself brought heaven to earth in the form of a heavenly Joseph appointed employer, providing a salary for the employee as God establishes a different way of sending laborers into the harvest fields of service and places He commissions them to go. They will go with a foundation of "Joseph grace"
undergirding them financially, relationally, and more importantly,
in humble fervent prayer as co-workers together.
"Joseph, called by the apostles "Barnabas"
(Which means "Son of Comfort") - a Levite born in Cyprus,
Sold a field that he owned, brought the money,
And made an offering of it to the apostles."
Acts 4:36-37
Allow the Father to do his work of re-construction without hindrance or fear!
He will rebuild a new "house of worship" within each of His people who allow Him to walk into each room of their hearts and tear out the old and embedded dirt, grime, and of staleness of passive and fearful living. Accusing and harsh judgments, disrespect for
others devoted time and critical attitudes will be purged again and again in the hearts
of believers who have yet to see through the eyes of Christ those whom He lovingly
calls beloved and faithful, even though viewed as awkward or fragile in the eyes of
the immature or worldly heart.
Psalm 31:23
"All who belong to the Lord,
show how you love him!
The Lord protects the faithful,
But he firmly rebukes
everyone who is proud."
It is the day for each member of the Body of Christ to think of itself as one Godly unit, ready to honor and edify each unique Master plan of the King. It's the hour where building upon egos, smug thinking, and entitlement only invites the demolition of the Spirit to go to work until the knowledge of humility and eternal reward are viewed as the most excellent eternal blueprint!
"Since you are eager to have spiritual gifts,
Try to excel in gifts that build up the church."
~ 1 Corinthians 14:12
Rest will be essential for the retention of peace and clarity in this next year.
As the training in humility and "gentleness of heart-expanded compassion" are applied in our lives as friends of the King, our souls will cease their strivings from the driven goals we set out to accomplish.
We will learn to listen to the wisdom and warnings of others in simplicity and humility. And, in gentleness we will sincerely approach one another as dear Jesus does. Although He is the wisest among us, He puts no heavy yokes or shameful modes of performance upon His children. He simply yokes them to Himself in a promised rest when they yield humbly.
"Take my yoke upon you and learn from me,
For I am gentle and humble in heart,
And you will find rest for your souls."
Matthew 11:29
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provided that complete source and website information for Mary Lindow is included.
Thank you! Copyright © 2013 "The Messenger " ~ Mary Lindow