“A Gentle Nudge From God & Joy To The World”
by Mary Lindow
I highly encourage you to listen to this podcast!
There are very special "musical moments" that took place
in this story about God's Divine Appointment!
My next two podcasts are going to be two wonderful Christmas season stories that tell you about how God will lead your steps and sometimes, into places that are not always convenient or comfortable! There may be even good hearted individuals telling you that where you’re going is not safe, but God instructs you to still go because there’s a miracle or a need to be met, that must take place.
Today’s Podcast Is Going To Be Telling A Story That Just Happened To Me This Past Week.
Isaiah 30:21 says, “And your ears shall hear a word behind you, saying, “This is the way, walk in it,” when you turn to the right or when you turn to the left.”\
I Had Stretched Out Getting My Hair Styled, and all the things that “women do before the holidays” and was up to that crucial, “I’d waited too long” deadline. I had an appointment scheduled far out and suddenly the day arrived! It’s about a 35 to 40 minute drive to where I go due to traffic. So it’s a great time to worship the Lord and ponder life as I make my way to the hairstylist. As I was driving, I was talking to the Lord about so many things and about the condition of the heart of the body of Christ and all of the painful exposures and sad things taking place, as well as the hard working, diligent, good people in the kingdom of God who are rarely seen, and who are rarely given much validation for their service, at least here on earth.
It was as if the Lord was saying to me,
“I see it all, just continue to do what I tell YOU to do, and focus on what’s right in front of you.” With that I took it to heart and I arrived at my hair appointment. The young woman that does my hair comes from a Jewish background, but never was active and also had a father who was a very non-practicing Christian, but had instilled some sort of faith in her. Every time I go to her, we share a little bit more. She opens her heart to me now. We talk about her children, and this day was another one of those kinds of days. She is what I call the kind of person you have to gently lead like a sheep to Christ. You can’t preach at them you can’t try to force any kind of message, you just talk about life and about the need for help from God. You laugh with them and love them. By the time I left her, which was about an hour and 40 minutes later there was a gentle peace saturating the room, and several of the other ladies had been listening in on our conversation about the need for peace, kindness, and integrity in the world.
My Stylist Even Told Me She Had Prayed Recently and asked God to help her be a better mother. Now this is a huge win to hear her say something like this, but she wanted me to know. I gave her a big hug and a little Christmas present and told her she was a wonderful mother and thanked her for her gracious salon service and told her how gifted she was. She teared up and said, “Those are such nice words. They just went right inside of my heart!” And of course, again, I didn’t preach at her, I simply smiled at her and I said, “Well, every single one of them are true.”
She Didn’t Grow Up With Much Validation , and she didn’t grow up with much warmth, so these words must’ve felt like warm honey poured over a very busy, active Soul who is constantly taking care of other people’s needs every single day with her hair Styling profession.
It Was An Absolutely Glorious Afternoon In Colorado! We have these warm days that come in during winter! The sun was bright, the sky was gorgeous and clear blue and the temperature was 65°F! On my way home nearby the salon, there is a boutique type style coffee shop that is a rare treat to go to. I had saved a few dollars to go and get a cup of “Christmasy coffee”, because it’s handcrafted and not something that I do on a regular basis. But today I delighted in it and was going to do a little bit of personal restoration, because it has been a very busy season of intense counseling and caring for other people. I had also recently had a parent pass away after a difficult battle with cancer and had gone through some uncomfortable family dynamics with his passing.
My Heart Was Still Tender, And I Needed To Process A Bit.
I went in and got my coffee and talked a little bit about “coffee things” with the owner and they directed me to a most glorious Guatemalan coffee that was just spectacular and they prepared my coffee for me kindly! I went outside and sat on their patio and looked at the sky, the trees and the mountains as I sipped joyfully on a glorious perfect brew! I was just relaxing and enjoying the moment and so grateful for God making coffee beans!
I contemplated having another cup of coffee but at $5.60 a cup. (Yikes!) I figured it would be better to go home and brew a few entire pots from beans that I already had!
As I Was Leaving, I Got Ready To Get Into My Car, I had parked right in front of a place that we also used to go, to get organic crafted homemade bread and rolls for holidays. It’s called the Great Harvest Bread Company. (Now understand the word “great harvest” is poignant at this point!)
When Steve And I Began Full-Time Ministry and began pastoring, our key statement, (we had it painted on the wall in the back of our sanctuary), was “Laborers in The Final Harvest.” This bread company is a Colorado owned Bakery with franchises. As I looked at it, I realize it had been remodeled and everything was extremely decorated and Christmasy and of course, just fun to look at!
I Turned To Get Into My Car Again And Gently, Ever So Gently, I Was Nudged By The Holy Spirit To Go Inside. I really didn’t want to go into a bakery because we had just had Thanksgiving and we were kind of “fooded out”. But they do have excellent bread and I thought maybe I would get a little something to bring home for Steve my husband.
I Still Didn’t Really Want To Go In.
I was kind of looking forward to getting home and traffic was getting hectic and thick at that time. Yet the Holy Spirit persisted that I go in. It wasn’t urgent, but it was one of those moments where you know there’s a purpose that God wants fulfilled, and my steps were being directed by him! Remember that verse I mentioned previously? It said, “whether you turn to the left or to the right there is a voice behind you saying this is the way walk in it.” This definitely was the Holy Spirit nudging me forward.
As I Opened The Door, which had bells on it that jingled as I walked in, I stepped into a room that was absolutely lovely and beautifully prepared for the holiday season. There were nativity sets on display everywhere and handcrafted sale and gift items. Everything was well presented, and a few Hanukkah candelabra were stuck in different places with the words “Jesus is Yeshua” with signs underneath them. I smiled inside and thought “this is pretty cool. I don’t remember this place being very spiritual beforehand when we used to visit!”
Over The Sound System Music Was Playing.
The Song “Worthy Is The Lamb! Worthy Is The Lamb! You Are Holy!”
I just stood there and felt the tears begin to well up and felt gratitude to the Lord for being in a place that didn’t just serve up great organic bread products, they were serving up the bread of life. In that moment, I realized how tired I really was and depleted somewhat from giving out so much lately. Now, I do love to take care of people and nurture and try to persuade them to Christ, into a better way of living and thinking. Counseling lately has been a steady stream of people who have been abused in churches on every level. Building trust and instructing them about their real identity in Christ is again, as well as unpacking Trauma, can be very delicate work.
As I Stood There And Just Marveled At The Song. I remembered that for about a week now every morning when I woke up, I was already singing on the inside of me, a similar message. A song coming up out of my spirit! It was a worship song we used to sing often and it was, “I will glorify the king of Kings, I will glorify the lamb. I will glorify the King of Kings, who is the great I AM!”
It was as if the Lord was saying, “Keep your eyes on the lamb, keep your eyes on the one who has paid the full price, and as you glorify him, he will walk in your midst.” I was enjoying his presence tremendously standing there, realizing he also wanted me to be refreshed!
So With That, I Went Around The Corner To Begin To Look At The Bakery Goods and to see if I could find some good, dark pumpernickel for Steve. And yes, right there in front of me was 1/2 loaf prepackaged ready to go. I picked it up and went around the corner to go to the register and began to notice a shelf above me about shoulder height, filled with the most unusual and beautiful gold-looking jewelry, weaved into different patterns for earrings and bracelets and necklaces, all extremely well-made and unique.
There was a woman about mid 40's tending to the jewelry display and adjusting things and replacing items that needed to be restocked. I said, “Hello! These are beautiful. Are you the distributor? Are you a representative?” She said, “Yes I am. I’m here replenishing. I help this organization.”
In That Moment, I Felt The Holy Spirit Come Over Me Again and impressed me with this thought, “This is why you’re here!” As she began to share with me about what the organization does, (and I won’t go into all of it right now), but basically in Brazil, there is a beautiful strong grass that grows very thin like a gold wire. The people from an indigenous peoples group there are artisans, and they handcraft all kinds of beautiful things and they have developed this jewelry line. She and a team of other people work to help promote their products so that they can feed the people in their village and produce jobs so they can be self-sufficient. This organization that has been formed is Christian and has only been operating maybe 3 to 5 years. They’re a very quiet, and they’re very small group, but they’re passionate and active in taking care of people.
Now remember on my way into the hair salon in the car, I was talking to the Lord about the people that do the hard work behind the scenes. The people that are not high profile public ministries, and those that work so hard to care for others, but are often overlooked when it comes to provision or care themselves. So there I was, standing in front of someone when I had just prayed about it on the way in!
As she began to tell me the story of these people, she then went over into the conversation about how she also works among the sexually abused because she was abused herself, as was her child from a relative. She has done tremendous personal work in counseling, and so had her son. She said the sadness still remains that these things happen and have happened. She has decided to be an advocate to help people through the shame and often the shunning from people in the church when they share that this has happened to them.
I Began To Talk To Her And Tell Her What I Do As A Pastoral Counselor, as well as having been a minister who understands the public forum and having seen behind the scenes many ministries who were involved in things they should not be involved in, but no one ever caught them.
I began to talk to her about the goodness of God and how pleased he was with her for by willing to go and take care of the brokenhearted, to bind up their wounds, take care for the poor, to care for the sick, encouraging her that this was a marvelous and beautiful thing she was doing, and that Jesus himself was looking down upon her with great, great joy, because he paid the price for all that happened to her in order to find a way to bring her to a place of peace, and then to use her to help bring others to a place of hope and peace.
Now This Was A Very Brilliant Woman, And She Was Very Discerning. She had a Masters degree, and some type of a leadership organizational degree as well.
With tears in her eyes, she said, “You know, I know this was one of those moments where God has you meet someone for a reason.” I asked her if I could take her by the hands and pray for her and she said, “Oh please do!” Yes, right there in the middle of the bread store with people coming in and out I gently took her hands into mine and began to pray for her tired and weary soul. The words just flowed as the Lord himself gave me the right things to pray, and words that he heard and honored, not simply just lip service.
As I prayed, I was prompted to continue praying that the Lord would help her with the funds needed to continue to promote this micro-type business, and then I was prompted to pray that the Lord would give her a very special indicator of his love and concern for her, by providing for her personally during this season. That by showing her in a very unique way that he was going to bless her for her hard work, often unseen, and often unappreciated. I blessed her.
I asked for grace over her as the Holy Spirit began to give me the words that would affirm and validate her.
When I finished praying with her and we looked each other in the eyes, still holding hands, her eyes were streaming with tears and a softness had come over her face. She said, “You have no idea what you prayed. I can tell you’re prophetic.” Of course, I laughed, because I didn’t say one word about that to her. She said, “I do know these things and I can pick up on someone who is a caregiver and a nurturer, but I can also indicate to you I too flow in prophetic gifts and you have no idea how much the Lord just spoke to me and answered things that only he knew I’ve been asking him about.”
And Then She Told Me The Past Five Years Due To Covid And Another Company She Worked For, How The Financial Strain Had Become Unbearable. Yes, she does get paid for working for this organization because they have to have people who do all of the distributing and arranging to get things to the places they need to be for sales, but it is not anything close to what you would consider a secure income. She told me she was trusting God to open a new door to her, and a different group that was going to listen to her about a presentation that night, might possibly bring in the needed finances to continue to help these dear people.
Now imagine, this woman has a masters degree in foreign studies and people groups as well as leadership and she’s more concerned about providing for them than her own income!
We hugged and said if we never meet again, we’ll see each other in eternity but today I told her, today we had a moment in eternity because God planned this day.
I Told Her, “I Knew That He Sent Me In. I Wasn’t Going To Come In Today! I just wasn’t going to come into the store and I was prompted twice by the Holy Spirit to come in, because he knew today I was to meet you and you were to meet me, and we were to remind each other of the goodness and the kindness of God.
That God sees!
That God knows everything!
That HE was listening in on our conversation and our prayer and that he was at work sending encouragement, sending Hope, and that we are not alone.”
She Suddenly Looked At Her Watch And Squeaked! “I have to go. I’m supposed to be at a meeting in 15 minutes”, grabbed her purse waved to the people behind the counter. They said,“Bless you sister”, and out the door she went.
I did pick up a few brochures and I had saved $40 tucked away in my wallet to go buy a few pine bows to use for some decorating in our home for Christmas.
Now I Know Everyone Of You Have Had This Happen To You Before! You know, the Lord says, “It’s up to you, there’s no judgment no guilt, but that $40 could be used for a higher purpose.”
There was a beautiful pair of bohemian-style looking, weaved earrings that had caught my eye in this collection that the woman was organizing, and I knew my youngest son‘s wife’s birthday was coming this week. She loves organizations like this who help take care of disenfranchised people groups who are poor, and long to work and have purpose because she worked for an NGO in Uganda. I selected those earrings with joy and said to myself, “Who needs pine boughs! This is much more fun and much more meaningful! Thank you, Heavenly Father for the prompting!”
I took my pumpernickel bread and the earrings to the register and the lady behind the register was smiling at me. I said, “Are you a believer as well?”She said, “Absolutely!”
I asked her if there had been new management and she said, “Oh yes, the new manager bought the business in 2019 right before the Covid bioterror event took place. But she pressed on and we prayed on and on and on, and God has been faithful to bless the business.”
I was thrilled to find out that believers had purchased this specific franchise. I made my purchases and as always as offered in this location, they give you a slice of fresh warm, organic, honey- whole wheat bread, slathered in butter to eat on your way home. BLISS!
I Gathered My Items, Went Out The Door, and got into my car and just sat there looking in the windows, feeling as if indeed, I had just had Christmas, and there in my hand was another indicator of the goodness of people behind the scenes who run excellent Christian businesses, who leave the door open to the stranger and the unbelievers and invite them into their world of warmth and kindness.
You See Jesus Came To Be The Bread Of Life! He was the wheat that was ground and poured out that we might feast upon the redemptive powers and hope of his sacrifice. We in turn become much like the parable of the loaves and fishes. He multiplies what we have in our lives and serves it up to those who have need. There is always ample supply even when we think we are completely empty.
He Uses It To Expand His Kingdom! We are to share that bread of life, we are to give a “slice” of what we are no matter where we are of that bread when the Lord is behind us saying, “This is the way, walk in it.”
I can only imagine that dear woman going home in her car or to her meeting, resting, letting go of the fear, letting go of the stress and anxiety, knowing the Lord had sent a sister with “the slice of the bread of life” to speak hope over her and to give her what Jesus had already prepared in advance for her, if someone would just go! If someone would just step in and obey in the moment.
Tell You The Story, Not In Any Way To Pat Myself On The Back, because honestly, my brain was absolutely exhausted and I had 1000 things in my mind I needed to get done like everyone else with pre-holiday decorating and preparing to travel. In between all of that is working and caring for others and just life in general! I could’ve simply sat there with my tasty coffee and enjoyed my time and been fine!
I Could’ve Chosen To Not Go Into The Shop and just get into my car and drive home at my planned time so I would miss traffic rush-hour. I would’ve never known the difference except may be a little bit of sadness in my heart that I pushed away a prompting of the Holy Spirit because I was tired.
I Want To Encourage You That The Christmas Season Is A Unique Time When People Are Longing To Feel Safe.
Safe and, they want to experience deep joy.
They have warm memories inside of them from Christmas events, or they have damaged and frightening memories because of things that have taken place during the holidays. It’s in these gentle but poignant moments when the Holy Spirit can bypass our fleshly concepts of fatigue and timing, and direct us into a divine appointment, a divine moment that was planned by the hand of God, so that the Bread of life that came to earth to redeem mankind is served up fresh!
As I Drove Home Again, The Tears Were Streaming From My Face, and I worshiped and praised God with a music station that was playing Christmas carols. The song “Joy to the World” began to play.
As always, the one line that just pierces my own heart and has since I was a little girl, was, “Let every heart, prepare him room.” When I was a little girl, I used to picture very vividly that in my heart, there was like a storybook picture of a hollowed out tree, and inside there was a little bed and I would picture preparing a room for Jesus. I wanted to have a table with a candle set on it, some homemade cookies, some fruit, a comfortable chair and a warm bed for him to lay his head down to sleep. I was “preparing him, a room!”
I realized that in that coffee shop in that hair salon,
I had prepared him room, and indeed it was, “Joy to the World!
I Encourage You - Everyone Listening, to understand that “heaven and nature sing” when we obey the Spirit promptly and heed that voice behind us directing our steps.
You Are The Light Of The World Now!
You are the lamp that God uses, and if we put a basket over it, or we decide to cloak it and go about our way, we will miss the opportunities to prepare him room in our hearts, and in the world. Today if you hear his voice, don’t harden your heart. Obey him promptly.
You Know, The One Thing I Have Found Out About Sacrifice Is That It Hurts A Little Bit.
It’s inconvenient to give time to people.
It’s inconvenient to stop and listen.
It’s inconvenient to get out of your car and go help someone who is fragile walk into a store or walk across the street.
It’s inconvenient to scale back on your Christmas gifts and giving to yourself in order to help others in peril or to help others in need. To help others share the gospel like this dear lady who was beautifully displaying the handcrafted hard work done by these individuals in order to help to further the gospel.
Be Aware!
Be listening for “holy moments” during this Christmas “holy days” season.
Each Of You Are Ministers of the gospel of Jesus Christ. Each of you are sent out in the world to tell of that wonderful, marvelous news. And often, we’re sent out to encourage one another to do good works and to continue in serving, even though others may not see, others may not understand, and others may not validate!
My Next Podcast Is Going To Be A Story About Where We Went Into A Very Dangerous Place, led by the Holy Spirit of course, and how truly a Christmas Eve healing miracle took place that completely changed an entire family’s trajectory.
I encourage you to go to my website at www.marylindow.com
I have some beautiful short video presentations with scripture and music and encouragement to play, especially for those who are fighting anxiety or who are going through persecution or a lot of pain right now. Just hit that video button at the top of the website and scroll down and there are several there for you to enjoy.
Please Take Time To Rest In The Lord‘s Presence And Not Be So Over-Taxed About Holiday Preparations. It is after all HIS birthday and his celebration! It was also the day that he began to lay down his life for 33 years to come and prepare the way for us to be able to be redeemed!
What A Mighty King We Serve!
Until my next podcast, I bless you in the name that is higher than any other name and that is the name of King Jesus Christ the Messiah!
Goodbye for now!
Duplication and sharing of this writing is welcomed, as long as the complete message, Website, podcast link and information for Mary Lindow is included.
Thank You! "2024"
"THE MESSENGER" - Mary Lindow
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