Monday, December 11, 2023




(You will be glad you did!)

By Mary Lindow

I had just worked four days and had put in 46 hours on my feet. I was tired. I had spoken life and ministered to many people in my position as an office manager and chiropractic assistant to a wonderful Doctor that loves people and loves God. But nonethelessI was tired. 

I had been asked to come and minister at a women’s gathering on my day off, which would be Friday evening. I rested part of the day, did laundry the rest of the day and spoke to the Lord and prepared what he was giving me for the evening ministry meeting.

As I Got In The Car, I Noticed That My Indicators Were Telling Me There Was Something Wrong With The Car. Engine light flashing, cruise button not working and I had no time to spare to get to the meeting on time. So, I simply prayed, put my pedal to the metal and prayed all the way there.

 When I Arrived, The Room Was Filled With Tired, Weary Women, Who Had Also Been Working Hard. Many of them, single mothers, many of them were parents who had taken on the adoption of their children’s children, because their own children had gone wild and embraced a lifestyle of drugs and freedom. They were pouring everything they had into these grandchildren, yet they still came. Many in the room we’re still seeking employment because they had lost previous jobs due to economic down change. And there, sitting in the church were young pregnant mothers.

Also, in the room were teenage high school girls and there I was, sent in my fatigue, to speak to them about the hope of Christ. I can tell you, I am so grateful for time in the word and time in prayer that anchors us and shows us the purpose beyond our own, as to why God sends us into different places.

I Was Honest, I Was Raw, And I Was Right In Front Of Them As One Of Them. As I began to talk about what it means to be in the presence of God, to really know him and his presence, and that it is there for us to draw from, to drink from, in order to survive this cruel world, something in the room began to change.

We are all aware of when the presence of God comes into a meeting and we call it the glory of God, Or We Call It The “Shekinah Glory”, Or The Holy Presence Of The Lord, And All Of This Is Very True! But in this meeting there was such a kindness and such tenderness towards this room of women who showed up on a Friday night after a long workweek, just to come in hope that they could touch the hem of his garment. 

There were people in that group from about 11 years old all the way up to I would say late 70s. But every single one of them were women created in the fashion that God wanted them to be made in. Each of them still has dreams alive inside of them, even if their bodies are aging and are beginning to slow down a bit. There’s a fire inside of them that God wants to keep lit so that he may use them to the fullest.

But How Do You Address Those Situations With Multiple Generations? You talk to them about how much God loves them. You tell them about the hope that Jesus brings and then you get honest and tell them where you are! 

When You Don’t Put Yourself On A Pedestal or lift up the icon of “your great knowledge of the Lord”, but instead, you get in the boat with them, they suddenly feel that they can receive from something or someone who “gets where they are at”.

I told stories of when I was a young girl, and first came to know the Lord and I had the young girls laughing, and it was so wonderful! But the Lord gave me their attention then.

I began to talk about raising children and how frightening it can be in a world where the narratives are screaming to influence our children’s minds, and I cheered the mothers on who are willing to do the hard things of homeschooling or be on top of the things their children are learning at school and to be vocal.

I talked about what it means to have pain in a family and to see children suffer, to see orphaned and adopted children come into your home, and you love, and care and nurture them as your very own.

And, I talked about when our bodies begin to change and grow a bit weaker and a bit older, the things we must do to remain strong in the Lord and yet what we can do with what we have, and how we can walk the floors in prayer, how we can be in the church building and pray for those who need to know Christ, and if we can’t walk, we can ride in our car and drive around and pray for our neighborhoods.

You See The Nurturing Quality Of God Is Real! 

It is the Holy Spirit in a mothering form, 

but it also has to come across with direction.


People Are Looking For Direction Today. 

They need to see a course set out before them that has light and hope, and the wonderful woman of God, Deborah in the scriptures, had a journey, and a story to tell that in fact, turned her nation around because she chose to work and do the hard things in her community, where God began to then build a rapport with those who would even go to war and lead the armies.

God Is Raising Up Many Deborahs In This Hour. Many who have been silent and quiet. Maybe it’s your wife, maybe it’s your daughter, and maybe it’s your grandmother.

But right now there are women who see on the horizon, the great and dark, gloomy agendas of the world. And Friends, when you have a mother’s, fighting spirit and you have experience, there is nothing you will not do to stand up and protect your family and to go to war in the kingdom of God.

“God's eyes are searching to and fro over the earth looking for a heart that is fully His.”  -2 Chronicles 16:9 

 What caught His eye when He came to Deborah? 

Was it the uncompromising fire of holiness, an unwavering faith or an unrelenting love that set her apart? Was it something about the integrity of her character, the depth and integrity of her wisdom and the richness of her kindness, which produced confidence in both men and women? 






When We Start To Move Away From Him, He Allows Evil Kings To Oppress Us. The Word tells us that God is the one who appoints evil kings and magistrates, but He also rises up the godly judges and kings! Deborah was the fourth judge and for the first 20 years of her 40-year reign, the nation was oppressed by one of history's most powerful and cruel Canaanite Kings, Jabin, and his sneaky military commander, Sisera. (Judges 4:1-4)


Deborah Captured The Heart Of God!

What is amazing is that the Lord raised up a woman to deliver a nation! What is especially surprising is that it happened in the Middle East thousands of years ago! Deborah was not only a wife, mother, intercessor, psalmist and prophetess but also a judge and a national deliverer. That’s not a bad resume for a middle-aged woman living in that oppressive Middle Eastern culture!

 Against Great Odds, God Used Her Powerfully. 

Deborah broke outside of her culture but she wasn't in rebellion, she was in obedience -- to her God. She was used radically and set her people free, and the people loved her. It's a wonderful story of faith in God, and it champions men and women partnering together in a war to save their nation from great oppression.

When we read about this revolutionary prophetess and judge, it expands our religious studies of women being allowed to lead governmentally. But I really feel that God is raising up a troupe of end-time Deborahs. 







The Lord is saying,

ARISE! SHINE Deborahs! 

Be a part of the army of the Lord!” 


There Are Two Root Words For Consecrate In Hebrew: never (separating from) and cades (separating unto).

Deborah, Like The Other Defenders Of The Faith, Was Separated From The World And Unto God. She did nothing on her own but spoke just what the Father taught her.

This is where the true victory lies, 

in listening to Him.


Deborah's Work History 

We tend to think of multi-tasking as a 21st century sensation, but Deborah was functioning in five major roles. Many scholars believe that one of Deborah's roles before becoming judge was being a lamp lighter in the temple.

In The Bible, Oil Is Often A Symbol For The Holy Spirit. Deborah was married to Lapidoth, whose name means, shine, lamp, flame, burning lamp, lightening, and torch. Isn't it interesting? He, too, was a lamp that had oil!

Deborah Was A Keeper Of The Oil And Light, Carefully Tending The Lamps. This shows us that she was a woman who was passionately spending long hours dwelling in the temple. She was a woman of prayer and of worship. She lived between two villages, Ramah and Bethel, in Ephraim, which means the valley of fruitfulness.

Biblical Names Often Have Profound Prophetic Meanings. The ancient village of Ramah was known to be the seat of high adultery.

Bethel was known as the house of the Lord with open heavens, where Jacob had his ladder experience in Genesis 28.

Deborah stood in the gap interceding between the seat of high idolatry and pagan worship and the house of Bethel with its open heavens.

Now The Picture Becomes A Little Clearer As“ Deborah Was Raised Up By God To Intercede Against Idolatry (Ramah). She wanted to turn the hearts of the children of Israel back to the house of God (Bethel) to inherit a double portion of fruit (Ephraim). 

Deborah's Relationship With The Lord Was Very Precious And Intimate. 

I believe that in those twenty years of captivity, Deborah stood in the gap and interceded to change the course of Israel. God promised Abraham, in Genesis 18, that He would save a nation for the sake of ten righteous men. I believe that the righteous prayers of Deborah availed much!

She Worshipped And Had A Deep Intercessory Life With God. She would go into the temple and fill the lamps with oil and ask God for revelation for people around her in great darkness.  

She was prepared in this secret place as she stood in the gap in desperate intercession for her people and her nation. She would hear from God and would bring down great wisdom and counsel. 

She Spent Long Hours In The Temple.  This dedication moved the very heart of God and changed the very heart of Deborah.

He led, she followed. She led, Israel followed.

Oftentimes we have the misunderstanding that worship is merely the thirty-minute time slot before the sermon, when we sing songs of devotion to God. This is part of worship.

But Doing Small Things With Great Love Unto Him Is Living A Life Of Worship. Deborah was a worshipper who loved the oil of the lamps, the Holy Spirit.

We Need To Be Like Deborah, Men And Women Of Prayer. Sincere and passionate prayer is the key to unlock our relationship with Almighty God. 

Many struggle with praying because they feel that their intercession is not much more than empty cries to an invisible God who seems so distant. We often think that our prayers bounce off the ceiling and back to us unheard and unanswered

 But Beloved! God Loves Conversing With You! 

He promises that He will hear you and answer!







In Fact, Connecting With God Is The Highest Purpose For Which You Were Created! 

This is eternal life to know me! (John 17:3)


Our Hunger For God Is What Fuels Our Prayer Life. When His presence is our passion and our hunger is for His heart, we can approach the throne of God boldly with the confidence that our Papa loves our prayers, but having this first love is so important. 

For Deborah, intercession was an exchange of ideas in which God began to download strategic battle plans, blue prints from heaven, and keys to open doors that no man can shut, and shut doors that no man can open. Isa. 22:22 How else could she have so wisely judged so many civil cases with the Israelites?


The journey of Deborah is a declaration 

of the power of just ONE life…

…Fully set apart for God.


Deborah Stood As A Prophetic Representation,

a suggestion that as a woman who may have been weaker in her physical attributes, she had the word of God! She had a history of going in and lighting the lamps.

She Had A History Of Hearing The Voice Of God In The Secret Place. So swiftly, when the hour came for her tangibly to go into war, she was ready. She was in the place to say yes because she knew the voice of her God.

What Is The Reason Why God Was Attracted To The Life Of Deborah? Prophetess Deborah functioned in the divine dimension of a spirit of wisdom and revelation. It was almost as if God had supernaturally, placed a divine compass in her, always guiding her to Him. The judging that Deborah did so well might have been because of her gift as a prophetess. She would have been able to make wise decisions if she saw well in the Spirit. She was humble, willing and wise.


In Matthew Henry's Commentary, he writes: 

“She was a woman of illuminations, or of splendors, one extraordinarily known and wise, and so came to be eminent and illustrious. She was intimately acquainted with God, she was a prophetess, and one that instructed others in divine knowledge by the inspiration of the Spirit of God, and had gifts of wisdom, to which she attained not in an ordinary way; she heard words of God, and she probably saw visions of the Almighty. She was totally devoted to Israel. After Jehovah, Israel was she first love.”

Deborah Was One Who Received Fresh Instructions From Heaven,and though she knew how evil the oppression of King Jabin was, she also knew that with God anything is possible! Something in Deborah knew how to pull on the sources of heaven, standing in the guidance of the Lord (Jer. 23) and open her mouth and let Him fill it (Psa. 81:10).


She Was A Mother Of Israel. What made this woman a mother of Israel?  Deborah loved well.

Imagine facing the unending line of people all needing a touch of heaven. Imagine her tired eyes looking out on the faces of His design as she felt the ache in their hearts for God. They had come so far, how could they leave empty handed? The eleven other scattered tribes of Israel walked for miles and risked their lives on the dangerous highways as they struggled through to hear from God, through Deborah's voice. 

 In Judges 5:6-8, listen to what she says.

“The highways were deserted, and the travelers walked along the byways. Village life ceased, it ceased in Israel, until I, Deborah, arose, Arose a mother in Israel. They chose new gods; then there was war in the gates.”

I believe that Deborah could hear the groans of the Israelites who were oppressed for 20 years and feel the throbbing pain in God's heart over His people's sin and oppression.

I Believe That It Was Her Ability To Hear His Heartbeat That Allowed Her To Save A Nation In A Day. Deborah ruled with the sword of a prophet but the staff of a shepherd -- she truly loved God's people.

She always led well. She led by loving.

Military Policymaker Deborah Was More Than A Judge; She Was Used To Deliver Israel From The Second Longest Captivity. As a prophetess and military strategist, she called the nation to war. She not only brandished the hand of God but also operated with the heart of God. You see, Deborah was a deliverer!

She Loved The People And They Loved Her. 

She Delivered Them From A Great Enemy. 

The Lord literally issued a clear prophetic word to summon Barak, the Israeli commander, to rally the troops for battle against impossible odds.

Why? Because the Hebrews had no weapons -- none. They had all been taken away by the Canaanites.


God Showed Deborah The Secrets Of How To Win The Battle. She brought a holy “about-face” to the wicked plans of Israel. When the city gates were at war, Deborah, a mother of Israel who was willing to lay down her life for her God and county, arose.

Why We Need Deborahs To Arise And Shine Today 

There is a cry going out from the hearts of God’s people 

about the oppression the church is under from the enemy.


Heaven Is Aware Of The Issues Affecting The People Of God. But, until a cry goes out from the people of God, the hands of Heaven are tied. 

Without A Cry, We Show We Are Satisfied Or Comfortable With The Way Things Are. The harassment had been going on for well over 20 years. How long do we put up with things before we cry out for change? 






When We Get To The Place

To Where Revival Itself Isn’t Enough,

But We Must See Change Take Place,

We Know We Are On The Verge

Of Something Great.


We Have Got To Get To The Place 

That We Don’t Just Want Change, 

But We Are Willing To Rise Up 

And Put Our Hands To The Plow, 

To See Change Occur.


Actions truly do speak louder than words.


Deborah Represents The Steadiness And Dependability Necessary To Both Win And Keep Victory. Barak means “lightning flash”. That is temporary.

We don’t need a temporary fix or a temporary anointing. If a temporary, quick fix was enough; we would be in a great position by now! We didn’t get to where we are at quickly, and the victory must be won with reliability and dedication.

When Deborah Arose, The Warriors Returned. There is a group of God’s warriors who are waiting for someone to rise up and lead them back to the place and position for which they have been created.

God bestowed peace and victory for 40 years. The time of victory was twice as long as the time of oppression. The sad part is that after the 40 years, the Israelites went back to their wicked ways and found themselves in a place of oppression again.


Let Us Be Men And Woman Who Will Stand In The Breach 

And Go Before God And Cry Out In Intercession These Very Words,


“Lord, we need restoration!

Lord, we need the Kingdom of God to 

break in with the resurrection power of life!”


This Is A Call To Combat!

This is a call for you to say that you want to hear the voice of God… 

… From the secret place.

“Therefore, since we are receiving a kingdom that cannot be shaken, 

let us be thankful,  and so worship God acceptably,  with reverence and awe.” 

-Hebrews 12:28


Duplication and sharing of this writing is welcomed, as long as the complete message, Website, podcast link and information for Mary Lindow is included.

Thank You! 2023

"THE MESSENGER"  - Mary Lindow


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Sunday, October 29, 2023

The Night That I Totally Blew Off the Warning of The LORD!





By Mary Lindow

It’s not just “my opinion” that playing close to the edge of occult involvement is a trap and a lure.

It’s my very deep conviction after having a full on and horrifying experience when we were young and first married.

Steve and I had watched a James Bond 007 show earlier that evening called "Live and Let Die", with a lot of “harmless” voodoo, (incantations and curses being put on people) and "fun" spies disturbing graves, and dark evil spirits attacking them.

While we were watching, I had a very quiet but persistent warning inside my heart to “stop watching the show”.

I blew it off saying to myself that, “I could handle it. It was just a show… harmless entertainment.”

After we had gone to bed and had fallen asleep, I was awakened by a loud crashing sound outside of our bedroom door, which was our living room. I turned my head to look in that direction and standing in the door frame was a hunched over, very tall, long haired, naked from waist up, long armed, pig snouted with a brass ring pierced through it, hairy being.

I thought I was maybe dreaming so I shook my head and rubbed my eyes to see if I was just coming out of a bad dream. Nope.

The dark being was still there.

My body was paralyzed in fear and I could not move to wake Steve.

I spoke to the hideous creature and told it to leave in the mighty and powerful name of Jesus Christ.

It just laughed at me and began to move into the room and alongside the bed, heading towards me. I said the same words again and it laughed, saying, "YOU invited me into your home tonight! I have every right to be here!"

I immediately knew that I had rejected the warning of The Holy Spirit to not watch the show. I was crying in terror and said, “Jesus… Please forgive me for ignoring your warning! I repent and apologize for blowing you off!”

At that point, the demonic thing stopped at the foot of the bed and was very agitated. I was no longer paralyzed with fear and then spoke to it again, telling it that I was forgiven by Jesus and that in HIS NAME, the evil being had to leave our home.

It still stood there frustrated and I told it again that the power of Christ and His poured out blood on the cross for my sins cried out against this attack and that it must leave. It started to whimper and walked towards the wall and then, walked right through it, and left.

Immediately, Steve woke up and asked what was the crashing sound! I told him everything that happened. He got up and went out to the living room. On the floor was a weather station type of decoration that we had firmly screwed into our wall. It had “somehow” ripped itself off the wall, jumped 8 inches and onto our record player, (yes…. we had vinyls!) sending the needle across the worship record we played often every day.

Both Steve And I Knew At That Point 

That We Could Never Again Justify Or Blow Off 

The Warning From The Father About

Our Entertainment Choices.


We were called to be worshippers and to not ever allow a strongman from hell into our home.

Here Are Some Reasons The Scriptures Warn Against

Engaging In Any Form Of The Occult:

➡ We are opening ourselves up to spirits other than God’s.

➡ We are not looking to God for guidance, but to the occult.

➡ We are turning away from true faith in Jesus.

➡ We are disobeying God’s word, the Bible.


The Israelites often made the same mistake and turned from God, although God clearly warned them about this.

“When you enter the land The LORD your God is giving you, do not learn to imitate the detestable ways of the nations there. Let no one be found among you who sacrifices his son or daughter in the fire, who practices divination or sorcery, interprets omens, engages in witchcraft, or casts spells, or who is a medium or who consults the dead. 

Anyone who does these things is detestable to The LORD, and because of these detestable practices The LORD your God will drive out those nations before you. You must be blameless before The LORD your God. 

The nations you will dispossess listen to those who practice sorcery or divination. But as for you, The LORD your God has not permitted you to do so,” Deuteronomy 18:9-14.

 Saul, Israel’s first king, started out well. He expelled mediums and spiritualists from the land, then violated God’s word and his own conscience by consulting a medium (1 Samuel 28:3-25). His end was tragic (1 Samuel 31:1-6).


New Testament Christians turned from sorcery. We really need to let their example serve as an inspiration and a warning.

“Many of those who believed now came and openly confessed their evil deeds. A number who had practiced sorcery brought their scrolls together and burned them publicly. When they calculated the value of the scrolls, the total came to fifty thousand drachmas. In this way the word of The LORD spread widely and grew in power.” Acts 19:18-20

These verses are given to us as warnings.

God wants us to learn from the examples he gives in the Bible, and to avoid making the same mistakes. He loves us and wants us to turn from anything that will get between us and the safe spiritual life that he offers.

Bible verses warning about mediums and spiritualists:

“Do not turn to mediums or seek out spiritualists, for you will be defiled by them. I AM The LORD your God,” Leviticus 19:31.

“I will set my face against the person who turns to mediums and spiritualists to prostitute himself by following them, and I will cut him off from his people,” Leviticus 20:6.

“When men tell you to consult mediums and spiritualists, who whisper and mutter, should not a people inquire of their God? Why consult the dead on behalf of the living?” Isaiah 8:19.


So, these are the things these are the scriptures that the Lord has given us, the warnings are there, and also the consequences! I can tell you that ever since then, I have been fully aware of when there’s something on television or when people want to watch a movie or, there’s people beginning to talk on a New Age level of intellectualism. Or, they talk about some of the things they’re partaking in for “medical practices”, or, different kinds of exercise programs, and my first thought is, “Doesi t has to have something to do with the occult or if it has to have something to do with “freeing your mind” so that you can relax and so your body is at peace”?

These are the lures that the enemy uses to draw us into other gods, and some Christian individuals actually say, “Oh, we’re not worshiping the god, we’re just doing things with the name of the Lord on it.”

The Lord doesn’t put his name on anything occult, and he never will, because he is The Sovereign, Ultimate Strength, THE  Sovereign Ultimate King, and he is The Voice that speaks to his people.

The word talks about those that know the voice of the Lord, the sheep, they know his voice, but the voice of strangers they will not follow, SO, I encourage you that during this time in the Earth, when the occult practices are literally overwhelming schools, college campuses, exercise regimes, television, movies, videos, (the Super Bowl was packed with these for years) DO NOT ENGAGE!

Many of the performing artists that are considered “popular musicians” have sold their souls to demonic activity in order to become wealthy. This is how it works many times, you make a pact with the devil for fame fortune and greatness, but there’s always a price to pay and that is that you are captive, held captive, and many times these people can’t get out without a tremendous amount of threat against them.

I’m Now Going To Lead You In A Prayer.

I feel in my spirit that the reason I was to put this on this podcast is that there are some of you who have been saying, “I need to know if this is really bad for me or if I’m being ridiculous, and being too stringent or too rigid”. 

Let me tell you something. You can never be too rigid against Satanic involvement in your life and you can never be too stringent against saying, “is there anything that I am opening the door to in my home that can affect my children’s sleep, affect my health, affect the safety of our home,” because our homes are to be a place of peace for the presence of God, a sanctuary for God to reside on a more personal level.

The word says, “Don’t you know you’re a temple of the Holy Spirit?”  When Jesus comes into our spirit, when the spirit of God comes to dwell inside of us after we surrender and we say, “Take that part of my life and use it”, that part dictates from the inside out. But, if we let our mind get in there and say, “I can handle it! I can handle it! It’s not that big of a deal! I feel so good! It’s good entertainment.  My body feels great when I engage in meditation!” (What kind of meditation?) 

Why do you need to meditate on something that is not bringing the presence of God closer to you are you closer to the presence of God? 

Because our flesh doesn’t want to be convicted. 

Our flesh does not like the discipline of getting still, or studying the word of God, or resting in his presence, and worshiping him. Not unless we discipline it and train it, and grow in his word so we see the gratitude of how, IT is, the voice that controls and speaks to our spirit, causing us to be at peace and to war against the things of darkness.

We live in high-pressure times, and the warfare, (yes, it is warfare), It is demonic war against God‘s people, and, the number one thing is fear, anxiety, stress, worry, and then, just go ahead and escape for a little while.  Watch something on TV. The Flesh says, “Go ahead! Watch some of those movies on Netflix that have some horror scenes or a lot of heavy sex. You can handle it!

The "F word" is being used a lot, and now many other words have become commonplace. But you see the thing is, WE CAN’T, handle it! Because, it gets into our brains, it gets into our minds. It gets into our way of thinking, and it dulls our ability to hear the clear and clean pure words of the Lord.

If you don’t want to walk with Jesus, 100% and you want a lukewarm walk, then you’re going to be susceptible to demonic activity in your life, and unfortunately if you have children, you’re opening the door to them, and the Lord talks in that one scripture about not letting children pass through the fire.


We Are Not To Offer Our Children Up In Sacrifice 

To Demonic Activity, And Yet A Lot Of Parents 

Go Ahead And Sacrifice Their Kids To A Lot Of 

Occult Practices Because “It’s Hard To Be Different”.


You don’t have to have to be locking the doors, and turning the light bulbs out all the time for fear that the devil is coming to get you! But! I can tell you this! You do want to shut your door to occult practices and the doors that come through your iPads, your computers, and your television screens.

These are the places; these are the entry points that the enemy uses. Those out there preparing programming, the majority of them in the world are all geared towards doing satanic and fearful programming and if anything, they like to do “shock value” enticing types of programs to bring stimuli and fear! That’s how they get better listeners or viewers or people chatting and talking! But their goal is not to bring goodness or peace or safety. Their goal is to get you to come back and be addicted to more or “fascinated”.

 This is where that word “fascination” and “magical” comes in.  We just feel like we’re mesmerized and drawn in, and we kind of want to know how it works. We want to know how it ends! And then before you know it, your mind has been seared, your conscience has been compromised. Then enters the guilt and then the shame, and then the hiding, and guess who did that?

When Adam and Eve engaged with the snake in the garden, he trapped them and lured them, and said, “It’s not that big of a deal! You can handle it! Did God really say that to you?” But once they tasted of evil, they were forever changed. They were forever changed and lost their innocence, and forever changed mankind.

Imagine how much that sin nature is affecting us!

Thank goodness that Jesus came to wash us clean and poured out his life, and endured a horrible sacrifice for us, so that we would have a chance to have our minds cleaned. If we are introducing our children to it, imagine the torment, and the things passing down to them.

So, I encourage you now to pray with me, and if it’s not for you, If you don’t have this problem, but you’re saying, “I agree I’ve had experiences like this or I know what you’re talking about!”

If you have family members maybe you have children, if you have a spouse, if you have grandchildren that are engaging in specific kinds of occultic things, (and friends you know with a lot of the PlayStation games and different kinds of Xbox games), there’s a tremendous amount of demonic looking creatures and a lot of darkness in those games and yeah, I guess, “you can handle it”, but if you’re murdering and killing and having guns shooting and bloodlust all the time, eventually, is it a just a game? Has it become a conquering or have you become desensitized?




Do you want to hear the voice of the Lord?

Do you want to hear the Lord speaking clearly about the times about the days?

Do you want to hear him protecting you, telling you to get in the car and leave now, or “don’t go to the grocery store” or “don’t go down “that” street”? 

He WILL lead you like that and protect you!

Do you want the Lord to tell you his secrets?

Did you know that he tells them to his servants? But! He tells them to those that will spend time in his presence, seeking his voice, seeking to know him more. 

I encourage you to consider, "which tastes better". The presence of God, and hearing his voice, or a temporary high and excitement, or the thrill that wears off, and then you’re buried in guilt, or harassed by something dark?


I’m going to pray now  and I’m going to ask you just to pray with me or agree with me in prayer for those that you know need to be free.

Heavenly Father, we come to you and Father you say that you roam the Earth to and fro, with your eyes you are looking all over the Earth, searching for those who will serve you, searching for those who will obey you.  Lord you know all things, you see all things, and you hear all things.

You are aware of the assignments of darkness against our families, against our children, against our grandchildren, against our spouses, against our brothers and sisters, and aunts and uncles.

Father, we stand before you now individually and ask you for a clean heart. We ask you to wipe the slate clean of anything that we may have engaged in.

First of all we say we’ve sinned against you because it’s the truth.  If we’ve done these things we have done them against you. We have put our eyes upon idols or things at the world calls, current and exciting and we think that we’re just fitting in, as a part of it or maybe it seems like it’s not harmless. It looks like everybody else is doing fine.

Lord, l know that you know the condition of each man’s heart, and Lord you know those that are using this as a lure, so Father, we stand before you, and we ask that you would create in us a clean heart, and renew a right spirit within us. Don’t cast us away from your presence!

Lord, we don’t want your Holy Spirit taken from us, because we choose to listen to other evil spirits are divining spirits!

Now Lord, we say to you, we ask if there’s anything in our lives, anything in the lives of our families that they are engaging in or things that we have become accustomed to, that you would show us clearly and concisely, vividly, the things that we have put our hand to that are not from you.

Lord, we repent, we apologize. We are ashamed that we would allow even the whisper of a demonic subtlety to enter into our home.

We want to be the stewards, good stewards of what you’ve given us in children, in our spouses and our grandchildren. So we ask that you would put a barrier between us and the darkness, that conviction would rise up again, that we would heed your voice, and not the voice of a stranger!

Lord your word says whether we turn to the left or turn to the right, there you are right behind as a voice saying, “This is the way, walk in it”.

Lord, forgive us for thinking that we don’t want to be different or strange in this world that we don’t want to be ridiculed. Father we are a peculiar people as you said, you made us and fashioned us to stand out in the dark world, and when we gave our lives to you, we committed that you would be Lord, Savior, King, Ruler, Master over our lives, and we apologize to you for ever touching anything that gave others mastery over us.

Father, we just come before you, and ask you to wash us clean. Wash our children, wash our grandchildren clean, wash our families clean.

Lord, we apologize and ask that now you would make the rudder of our ship turn back out to the direction where we seek you, and seek you alone. That the entertainment choices that we make in the future will be with wisdom and if there’s something on television that is dark or dirty, or evil or suggestive, we turn it off, we don’t just mute it. We turn it off. We will not let our eyes even watch, nor let our ears hear. 

Father. We thank you that you will speak loudly“Don’t do that! Stop now!”  Just like you did to me. Father, we ask that you would speak loud and clear, because sometimes we’re dull of hearing.

Lord we submit to you, we glorify your name. We thank you, that you deliver us completely and you set us free when we’re captive to dark things.

We call upon the name of Jesus Christ who is God, who is the Son of God, the Sovereign king, and we thank you that the Holy Spirit is there to convict us of our sins. We thank you Triune being Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, for the privilege of being called children of God.

Lord, teach us to act like children of God, in our every day lives, in Jesus most holy and powerful name against darkness.


Mary Lindow © 2023  - “THE MESSENGER”

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provided that complete message, website information and podcast link for Mary Lindow is included.

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Copyright 2023 - "THE MESSENGER "

~ Mary Lindow  -


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